Union Dale VFC is looking for Bands bids and contract offers for the annual July Picnic
July 12-13-14th, 2018,
12th 6:30pm-10:30
13th 7pm-11pm
14th 6:30pm-10:30pm
Any bands interested must submit a contract offer listing what day/ time they are interested in and the cost.
Details 4 hours entertainment with 3 short breaks, audio equipment to support the outside venue. UDVFC provides electricity and a covered band stand for the contract.
Please submit a contract for each night interested all contracts must be mailed to
C/O picnic bands
PO BOX 191
Deadline is February 12th, 2018
Please include contact information in contract any contracts missing information will not be accepted.
Any questions please call Andy Belcher @ (570)241-7757
The Members and Officers of the UDVFC want to thank EVERYONE for their support at this year's picnic.
Especially Adam's Cable for the fireworks sponsorship and ALL of the volunteers that help make this happen. Mark your calendar and save the date for next year's picnic - July 12, 13, 14, 2018.
Union Dale VFC picnic ground rentals
Get your rental requests in for 2018 - Rental form and details on
Grounds Rental web page.
We are always in need of help and members! - Anyone interested come to a meeting or contact us.
2018 Administration Officers
President - Joe Rossi
VP - Steve Ursich
Secretary - Mary Yale
Treasurer - Peggy Ursick
Fire Chief - Tom Yale
EMS Captain - Michelle Nagel
Board of Directors
Andy Belcher
Michelle Belcher
Kristi Rossi
President - Steve Ursich
Vp - John Reeder
Secretary - Mary Yale
Treasure - Kristi Rossi
Appointed Line Officers
First assistant chief - Andy Belcher
Second assistant chief - Joe Rossi
Fire Captain - John Reeder
QRS Captain - Michelle Belcher
This Year's Fund Drive
Dear Friends & Neighbors,
The Union Dale Volunteer Fire Company would like to take time to thank each of you who so generously supported last year's Fund Drive with your selfless contributions. Once again, we are kindly asking for your support.

Last Year's Fund Drive - Thank You!
Dear Friends & Neighbors,
The Union Dale Volunteer Fire Company would like to thank each of you who so generously supported last
year's Fund Drive with your selfless contributions. CLICK TO READ MORE....
Newly constructed addition to the Union Dale Volunteer Fire Company Fire Station
If We Can't Find You, We Can't Help You!!
Order your reflective address marker today. It may save your life or someone you love!
The 911 addressing system is a major asset to Emergency Responders; we urge you to take the next
step by properly marking your residence ASAP.
Please read this important information:
Marking Your Residence Address
Marker Information
Marker Order Form
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